3. The Shared Traits in “The Self-Empowed Woman”

Dear Followers, So far I've been quizzing you about American women who are high achievers and today I'll answer the first two questions. Do you know what writer Maya Angelou, comedienne Ellen DeGeneres, singer Gloria Estefan and actress Demi Moore have in common? They all fall under the category of accomplished women who learned - at an early age - that they couldn't depend on Dad. There are countless reasons why a father might be unreliable … [Read more...]

2. 17 Traits of “The Self-Empowered Woman”

What do author Judy Blume, actress Geena Davis, TV newswoman Andrea Mitchell, and former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice have in common?On each blog entry I plan to tweak your curiousity about the women I've included in my soon-to-be published book The Self-Empowered Woman. By this time next year, I predict that much of the "mystery" about high-achieving women will become mere common knowledge. Finishing the book and sharing my research with … [Read more...]